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  • 年份:2018 地区:澳大利亚 类型:美国
  • 状态:完结 / 09-14
  • 主演:盖·皮尔斯,‎玛尔塔·杜塞尔多普‎,亚伦·佩德森,罗伊·比令,肖恩·雅克博森,凯特·阿特金森,达米安·理查德森,达米安·加维,约翰·弗劳思,特里·诺瑞斯,德波拉·梅尔曼,缇娅妮·库普兰,莉亚·范登堡,尼尔·梅尔维尔,Ron Falk,乔治·赵,Tom Gleeson,Robert Menzies,萨钦·乔伯,约翰·布鲁普顿,斯蒂夫·莫察基斯
  • 导演:Mark Joffe
  • 简介:The bluebird of happiness has stopped warbling and Jack 详细 >


The bluebird of happiness has stopped warbling and Jack's life has hit a new low. His body broken from too many beatings, Linda has left him, the racing world is in turmoil, his local - the Prince of Prussia - may never be the same again, and Jack has returned to the law in the form of mundane conveyancing. That is, until he learns of foreign students at a disreputable private college dying in bizarre circumstances. After Eddie, a Chinese courier who was supposed to deliver a package for Jack three years ago, shows up dead, Jack can't help but get involved. Following the trail of Eddie's last movements, Jack discovers Eddie's friend, an Indian student named Lakshmi, committed suicide shortly before Eddie disappeared. They studied together at a private college where the facilities and level of education leave much to be desired. Digging deeper, Jack encounters the psychiatrist Lakshmi saw before her tragic death, Dr Rory Finch. As they both work to discover the truth behind the two deaths, a relationship brews between Jack and Rory. Jack's investigation unfolds an intricate web of lies leading all the way to India and back again, where he enlists Linda's help, still working overseas as a journalist and living with Orton. But every step Jack takes towards the truth threatens his world and his friends - from Harry and Cam in the racing game, to cabinetmaker Charlie Taub's granddaughter, Gus, to the Prince of Prussia run by Stan and his regular clientele, the Fitzroy Youth Club. Jack must keep his wits about him, or this quest for the truth may be his last.

由导演Mark Joffe执导,2018年上映的《杰克·爱瑞什第二季》,是由盖·皮尔斯,‎玛尔塔·杜塞尔多普‎,亚伦·佩德森,罗伊·比令,肖恩·雅克博森,凯特·阿特金森,达米安·理查德森,达米安·加维,约翰·弗劳思,特里·诺瑞斯,德波拉·梅尔曼,缇娅妮·库普兰,莉亚·范登堡,尼尔·梅尔维尔,Ron Falk,乔治·赵,Tom Gleeson,Robert Menzies,萨钦·乔伯,约翰·布鲁普顿,斯蒂夫·莫察基斯等主演的美剧。




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